Our 4 Step Downsizing Plan for Homeowners

Do you have a downsizing plan for your house in ? Lifestyles change and along with them, the requirements you have for a home change as well. In addition to finding your new smaller home and the hassles of listing and selling your current larger home, the task of downsizing can seem overwhelming. Going through … Continued

5 Ways to Sell Your House in a Flooded Market

Selling your house in a flooded market can feel challenging. When an abundance of properties are listed, it can be difficult to stand out among the crowd. Everyone is trying to sell right now and cash in on the gains made in equity due to rising home prices and low-interest rates on their next home. … Continued

The True Costs of Owning the Wrong Home

The true costs of owning the wrong home can be not only emotional but very expensive. Why live another day in a home that you can no longer afford or just doesn’t suit your lifestyle any longer? Here are some of the true costs of owning the wrong home in . Overbought Many times buyers … Continued

5 Ways To Know Your House in is More Trouble Than It’s Worth

Are you truly happy with your house in ? While there are several upsides to homeownership, as with everything in life there is always a cost to benefits. Over time, circumstances can change meaning that what may have once made your dream home is an asset no longer serves you. We will explore these five … Continued

5 Costs You May Not Be Aware of When Selling Your House in

Thinking about selling your house in ? Traditional home sales carry several expenses, some of which you may not have taken into consideration. No matter if you select to work with a professional real estate agent or sell on your own, you’re likely to run into all of these expenses. We will explore five costs … Continued

Why Won’t My House Sell In Massachusetts?

You’re trying to sell a Massachusetts house that just won’t sell? And yet – the news says the real estate market is heating up. The media is practically shouting again about multiple offers, high demand, and record-setting prices. So where’s your contract? These tips could be just what you need to help you sell your home. … Continued

The State of the Market for Buyers in Massachusetts

Is it still a buyer’s market today in ? As experts in the real estate market, we get asked this question a lot. The answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. The State of the Market for Buyers in Massachusetts First off, it really depends on the property type and location. Single-family homes in … Continued